Postcard Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The student did not adequately create and write the postcard in the postcard format.
The student developed the postcard with some aspects of the format, but not all.
The student created the postcard with most aspects of the format, but not all.
The student adequately created the postcard in postcard format.
Mechanics of Writing
The student did not write complete sentences and/or had more than five grammatical errors on the postcard.
The student did not write complete sentences and/or had three to four grammatical errors on the postcard.
The student wrote some complete sentences, but not all and/or had one to two grammatical errors on the postcard.
The student wrote in complete sentences and had no grammatical errors on the postcard.
Postcard Length
The student wrote one to two sentences on their postcard.
The student wrote three to four sentences on their postcard.
The student wrote five to six sentences on their postcard.
The student wrote seven to eight sentences on their postcard.
The student did not include pictures or artwork on their postcard.
The student did include pictures or artwork on their postcard.
Demonstrates Knowledge
The student does not demonstrate knowledge of content in their writing, and needs review on the topic.
The student demonstrates little knowledge of content in their writing, but needs some review on the topic.
The student demonstrates some knowledge of content in their writing, but is lacking some aspects and needs some review on the topic.
The student demonstrates a great deal of knowledge of content in their writing.
Describe Knowledge of Settlement Patterns and how natural disasters affected the settlements.
No discussion of settlement patterns or natural disasters.
Writer only mentions settlement patterns, but not natural disasters.
Writer demonstrates knowledge of settlement patterns and the effect that natural disasters had on the population.
Writer demonstrates detailed knowledge of settlement patters and explains clearly the impact that natural disasters had on the population.
Describe how language, stories, folktales, music, and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture and influence behavior of people living in a particular culture.
No discussion of culture
Discussion of culture, but not a clear or accurate representation.
An accurate representation utilizing at least one of the following expressions of cultures: language, stories, folktales, music, or art.
An accurate representation utilizing at least two of the following expressions of cultures: language, stories, folktales, music, or art.
Demonstrate knowledge of the economy during the time period of your book.
No discussion of the economy.
Poor portrayal of the economy.
Accurate discussion of economy but no examples.
Accurate discussion of economy along with examples.
Identify the audience and the purpose for writing your postcard.
No identification of your audience (No Dear...,) or purpose for your postcard.
Only identification or purpose but not both.
Identification clear and you have included a purpose, but it is vague.
Identification and purpose are clear and well written.
Select details that support your topic sentence utilizing vivid and descriptive words.
Details do not support topic sentence.
Details support topic sentence but are not descriptive
Details support topic sentence and some words are descriptive
All details support topic sentence and are very descriptive

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