Product Mix Activity Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Teamwork on Assignment
One student was observed doing all or most of the work for the group, and there was little or no interaction between the group members.
Students were observed working independently of each other on the assignment, and there was little or no interaction among group members.
Students were observed working together on the task at hand.
Students were observed interacting and getting/giving advice from/to each other on how to accomplish the task as a group.
Giving all the information required for the assigned project segment
Students failed to include 3 or more categories within the assigned segment.
Students failed to include 2 categories within the assigned segment.
Students failed to include 1 category within the assigned segment.
Students answered all of the categories within the assigned segment.
Use of class time to work on project
Students rarely brought project materials to class or used class time to work on the project.
Students failed to bring materials to class at least twice and spent at least half of class time not working on the project.
Students brought project materials to class and used the time constructively most of the time.
Students brought project materials to class every day and were consistently observed working on it in class.
Application of marketing concepts learned to research project.
Students have applied three or more unrealistic (or not well thought out) marketing concepts in the assigned segment of the project.
Students have applied two unrealistic (or not well thought out) marketing concepts to the assigned segments of the project.
Students have applied one unrealistic (or not well thought out) marketing concept to the assigned segments of the project.
Students have demonstrated that they are applying what has been learned in class to assigned segments of the project.
Spelling and/or grammatical errors
Students work has 12 or more spelling and/or grammatical errors
Students work has 8-11 spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Students work has 4-7 spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Students work has 0-3 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

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