Product Poster
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Name of Product or Service
No name of product/service is evident.
Name of product/service is included, but not prominently. Does not have a "catchy" name.
Name of product/service is prominent, but does not have a "catchy" name. OR product/service name is "catchy" but is not displayed prominently.
Name of product/service is both "catchy" and prominently displayed on poster.
Creativity and Consumer Appeal
No evidence of creativity or strategy to sell product or service.
Limited creativity. Strategy for selling product or service is weak.
Some creativity is evident. Strategy for selling product or service is clear.
Creativity is evident. Strategy for selling product or service is effective, clever, and clear.
Neatness and Effort
Messy, scribbled, and/or difficult to read. Appears as though the poster was completed in little time without much care.
Somewhat difficult to read. The poster is colored, but somewhat scribbled or messy in appearance.
The poster is colorful and mostly easy to read. Appears as though the student worked hard.
The poster is colored neatly and words are bold and easily read with few erasures. Appears as though the student spent a lot of time and effort to get things just right.
Conventions and Grammar
Poor use of grammar. Many mistakes in spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation.
Limited use of grammar. Some mistakes in spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation.
Good use of grammar. Few mistakes in spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation that do not detract from overall presentation.
No mistakes in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.

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