SUMMATIVE Writing Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
WRITTEN COMPONENT Student gives reasons why the public should be made more knowledgeable about the issue(s)
Student gives no reasons why the public should be made more knowledgeable about the issue (s)
Student gives some reasons why the public should be made more knowledgeable about the issue (s)
Student gives adequate reasons why the public should be made more knowledgeable about the issue(s)
Student gives insightful and detailed reasons why the public should be made more knowledgeable about the issue(s)
Student describes thoroughly the relevant details of the issue(s) facing the Aboriginal community
Student describes a few of the details of the issue(s) facing the Aboriginal community
Student describes some of the details of the issue(s) facing the Aboriginal community
Student describes adequate details of the issue(s) facing the Aboriginal community
Student describes a thorough and detailed account of the details of the issue(s) facing the Aboriginal community
Student describes how they will convey their campaign message and why this will be effective, and the effects that are hoped for in the community
Student gives too few descriptions of how they will convey their campaign message and why this will be effective, and too few of the effects that are hoped for in the community
Student gives some descriptions of how they will convey their campaign message and why this will be effective, and some of the effects that are hoped for in the community
Student gives thorough descriptions of how they will convey their campaign message and why this will be effective, and a thorough analysis of the effects that are hoped for in the community
Student gives insightful and compelling descriptions of how they will convey their campaign message and why this will be effective, and a comprehensive analysis of the effects that are hoped for in the community
VISUAL COMPONENT Design and develop an effective and compelling visual representation of the issue(s) you are focusing on (per written portion above)
Student presents a public education campaign that has too few visual aspects, to little research references, and does not effectively target the audience.
Student presents a public education campaign that has some compelling visual aspects, some research references, and some effective targeting of the audience.
Student presents a public education campaign that has very compelling visual aspects, well research references, and demonstrates effective targeting of the audience.
Student presents a public education campaign that has very compelling and impactful visual aspects, thoroughly researched, and well referenced, and demonstrates highly effective targeting of the audience.
ORAL PRESENTATION Students will present the visual component within a 3 to 5 minute time limit, clearly enunciating words, and answering questions from the audience.
Student did not present the visual component, or did not do so within a 3 to 5 minute time limit, student did not clearly enunciate words, or adequately answer questions from the audience.
Student presented the visual component, attempted to meet the 3 to 5 minute time limit, and made some effort to clearly enunciate words, and adequately answer questions from the audience.
Student presented a compelling and impactful visual component, met the 3 to 5 minute time limit, and made significant effort to clearly enunciate words, and adequately answer questions from the audience.
Student presented a highly effective and insightful visual component, met the 3 to 5 minute time limit, and made considerable efforts to clearly enunciate words, and adequately answer questions from the audience.
Work is orderly, logical and clear with proper mechanics of writing (spelling, punctuation, grammar).
Occasional grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Writing has a few awkward or unclear passages. Material inconsistent in logical organization.
Very few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Material clearly related with occasional lapse in order and logical progression.
Writing is flowing and easy to follow. Rare grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Presentation follows order and logical progression.
Strong organization of material. Content free of grammatical errors and spelling & punctuation. Material covers important content with an orderly and logical progression.
Assertions are supported with empirical evidence or a cited work.
Few sources are cited for support. Sources are unsubstantiated or incorrectly entered.
Sources while limited are peer-reviewed and evidence based research. Sources are easily accessed.
Sources are well selected and support learning outcomes. Evidence of some research for summative evaluation.
Strong peer-reviewed research based support. Resources are easily accessed. Impact of research evident in work.

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