Setting up a Field Trip
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Step for Setting Up Field Trip
Introduce Information for Field Trip
Set up the process for the field trip with information
Being able to state the field trip and how to create steps for financing the field trip
Finding out the information for field trip and setting down plans for doing the field trip.
Developing methods to fund a field trip
Setting up a communication through questions to ask for methods to fund a field trip in school
Gaining information through sources for field trip funding
Creating questions and follow through on finding the process and how to find the method to fund a field trip.
Creating questions for finding information finding the correct place to ask and to bring back the information to class
Collected data to find transportation
Creating questions to ask for the process
Creating questions and then asking the sources for answers
Creating questions asking personnel and then follow up with companies
Pricing the sources and how to set up the process to set up transportation.
Finding places to go to for field trip on personal economic information.
Doing research for the data for field trip related to personal economics
Finding sources to follow thorough for the field trip
Creating questions and methods to find the data to do a presentation in class and the method to research goal setting
presenting data to class with the follow through of sources and through a power point presentation
Laying out cost and methods to find to pay for the field trip and when possible.
Accumulate the method to analyze data and how to present the data.
Creating a presentation with the information easy for the classmates to follow
Create multiple places to go if a problem occurs with one or two.
present to class cost effective analysis of cost for trip methods used to find information and easiness for class to follow the presentation.

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