Slasher Film Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Create a "totally" unique bogeyman and slasher method.
Satisfies the requirement completely
Some elements of the bogeyman OR the slasher method may not be totally unique.
Most elements of the bogeyman or slasher method are not unique.
This element was not addressed in the project at all or is a replication of some other film.
Storyline that describes what triggered the slasher behavior in the bogeyman
Excellent story with depth of background and critical information.
Good story with a brief overview. Good detail.
Very brief with little attention to detail. Story has many holes that leaves the reader guessing.
This element was not addressed in the project at all or is a replication of some other film.
Creation of victims.
Excellent victims list and description follows one of the retro or modern-day slasher recipes. Comprehensive explanation of characters and their names as well as their demographic and relationship to others.
Good victims list and description mostly follows one of the retro or modern-day slasher recipes. Good explanation of characters and their names as well as their demographic and relationship to others.
Basic victims list and description. Does not entirely follow one of the slasher victim recipes. Some attempt at explaining characters and their names as well as their demographic and relationship to others but leaves the reader wondering in some cases.
This element was not addressed in the project at all or fails completely to address retro or modern-day slasher film victims conventions.
Storyline is 2 to 3 pages in length and reads extremely well with a distinct beginning, middle, and end that conveys in a thumbnail what the film is about and how it will end.
Storyline is 2 to 3 pages in length and reads well with a distinct beginning, middle, and end that conveys in a thumbnail what the film is about and how it will end.
Storyline is 1 to 2 pages in length and is somewhat difficult for reader to grasp the meaning because the story is not well constructed and jumps around.
The story is not well written and is very difficult to read. The reader is left wondering what the story was about. Cannot understand the is
Director and Special Effects Person You Choose for Your Film
Completed with excellent explanation of why you chose each for your film.
Completed with good explanation of why you chose each for your film.
Completed with some explanation of why you chose each for your film.
Completed with very poor or nonexistent explanation of why you chose each for your film.

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