Speech Criteria
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Subject Knowledge
Student does not have grasp of information; cannot answer questions about subject.
Student is uncomfortable with information and is only able to answer rudimentary questions.
Student is at ease with expected questions, but fails to elaborate.
Student demonstrates full knowledge by answering all class questions with explanation and elaboration.
Audience cannot understand presentation because there is very limited sequence of information.
Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around.
Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow.
Student presents information in logical, interesting, and captivating sequence which audience can follow.
Mechanics & Time Frame
Student's presentation has numerous spelling errors and/or grammatical errors, which distract from the piece. Presentation is less than minimum time (3 min.).
Presentation has a few misspellings and/or grammatical errors, which somewhat distracts from the piece. Presentation is more than maximum time (5 min.).
Presentation has very few misspellings and/or grammatical errors, which don't distract from the piece.
Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Presentation fall within required time frame (3-5 min.).
Expression, Enthusiasm and Eye contact
Student shows no interest in topic presented. Student reads all of the report with no eye contact.
Student shows limited interest in topic presented, demonstrating some negativity. Student makes occasional eye contact, still reading most of the report.
Student shows some positive feelings towards the topic presented. Student maintains eye contact, infrequently returning to her/his notes.
Students shows a strong positive feeling about topic during entire presentation. Student maintains eye contact, seldom returning to notes.
Professionalism of Presentation (includes overall presentation skills and vocal qualities)
Student mumbles, audience has difficulty hearing, confusing parts; vocal qualities distract from the content.
Student's thoughts don't flow, not clear, does not engage audience; vocal qualities interfere with the content.
Student's thoughts articulated clearly, yet doesn't always engage the audience; vocal qualities support the content.
Presentation is organized and the interest level of the audience is maintained; vocal qualities reinforce and animate the content.
Ss doesn't express themselves with correct use of vocabulary or grammar and is very difficult to understand.
Ss expresses themselves with some errors in vocabulary and/or grammar and is difficult to understand at times.
Ss expresses themselves with minor errors in vocabulary and/or grammar. Use of vocabulary may be incorrectly used however, of a level higher then that of the Ss knowledge.
Ss make only 1 or 2 mistakes in vocabulary or grammar and expresses themselves in a comprehensive way.
Introduction and Closure
Ss does not have an introduction or conclusion.
Ss has an introduction and conclusion. However, do not express their opinion or main ideas clearly. Topics in the introduction and or conclusion do not coincide.
Ss has an introduction and conclusion. Ss express their opinion or main ideas with some difficulty. Topics in the introduction and or conclusion coincide.
Ss has an introduction and conclusion. Ss express their opinion or main ideas clearly. Topics in the introduction and or conclusion coincide.
Ss hesitate a lot or rush through their speech. Utterances are very frequent and impede the comprehension of the speech. Ss does not complete the set time or goes over the set time.
Ss hesitate few times or rush through their speech. Utterances are frequent but do not impede the comprehension. Ss does not complete the set time or goes over the set time.
Ss hesitate very few times or slightly rush through their speech. Utterances are not frequent and do not impede the comprehension. Ss completes the set time.
Ss hesitate little to no times or very slightly rushes through their speech. Utterances are not frequent or non existent and do not impede the comprehension. Ss completes the set time.
Ss clearly shows nerves and do not have good eye contact.
Ss Shows good posture and some gestures but does not have very good eye contact.
Ss Shows good posture and some gestures band has good eye contact.
Ss dominates the stage with great posture, gestures and eye contact.
Ss speaks with a very low or loud voice and cannot be understood.Ss makes frequent mistakes in pronunciation and do not articulate their words.
Ss speaks with a very low or loud voice and can be understood with some difficulty. Ss makes some mistakes in pronunciation and do not articulate their words.
Ss speaks with a good volume of voice and can be understood with little difficulty. Ss makes some mistakes in pronunciation and articulate their words.
Ss speaks with a good volume of voice and can be understood without difficulty. Ss makes minor mistakes in pronunciation and articulate their words.
Your speech showed you didn't know the audience at all.
Your speech showed you didn't know much about the audience.
Your speech showed you knew the audience pretty well.
Your speech showed you really knew the audience.
Posture and Eye Contact
You really need to improve your posture and make eye contact.
Your posture isn't very good. You need to make better eye contact.
Your posture was OK and you made eye contact most of the time.
You had great posture, and you made good eye contact.
Word Choice
You used "um" and "like" too much. Your speech was very confusing.
You used filler words a lot and your speech wasn't always understandable.
You only used "um" and "like" a few times and your speech was easy to understand.
You clearly made your points and didn't use filler words like "um" or "like".
Content and Volume
You don't have enough information to have a good speech and hardly anyone could hear you.
You have some good information, but your speech would be better if you had more and only some of us could hear you.
Your speech had a lot of good information and seemed worthwhile and most of us could hear you.
Your speech was very worthwhile and had lots of excellent information and could be heard by everyone in the room.
Use of Time and Tempo
Your speech was very long/very short and you spoke too fast/really need to pick up the pace.
Your speech seemed to be too long/too short and seemed too fast/seemed to drag.
Your speech ran a little long/ran a little short and some parts of your speech were too fast/too slow.
Your speech was just the right length and you spoke at just the right speed.
Student is very difficult to understand
Student is fairly easy to understand, sometimes unclear
Student is quite easy to understand, most words and sentences understandable
Very clear, all of spoken words understood
Student has very low projection, very difficult to understand because it affects pronunciation
Student has mid-level projection, and is not consistent
Student has fairly good projection most of the time
Projection of voice is always good
Intonation, Syllabic Stress, Pitch
Student speaks in monotone often, often misplaces stress on syllables, has little variation in pitch
Student sometimes speaks in monotone, stresses wrong syllables in some places
Student speaks with good natural expression, may misplace stress in some cases
Student speaks with good expression and intonation, has no difficulty with stressing, pitch is natural and expressive

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