Summer Institute
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The content of the proposed program is relevant to the conference theme: Community. Collaboration. Creation.
The content is sketchy with loosely focused information that forces the reader to make inferences about the presentation.
The presenter has made a solid beginning in defining the theme/topic, but more expansion is needed to support the identified theme.
The topic of this proposal is clear, well developed or supported, and enhanced by the kind of detail that supports the theme of the conference.
The content of the proposed program states the ISTE and AASL standards.
Presenter attempts to connect standards to proposal but main ideas are vague and unclear.
The presenter has made a clear beginning in relating the proposal to the standards, though more expansion is needed to support the connection.
The connection between the proposal and the ISTE and AASL standards is thorough and well supported.
The proposal includes all required elements; it is well organized, clear, and concise.
Presentation ideas and details are loosely strung together. There is no clear sense of direction to carry the audience from point to point.
The organizational structure of the presentation would allow audience to follow without undue confusion. Sequencing of main ideas seems appropriate and purposeful.
The order, presentation, or structure of the proposal is compelling. The entire presentation has a strong sense of direction and balance. The key issues stand out clearly. It is well organized, clear, and concise.
Information presented will create learning extensions for the participants. There are clear adaptations and applications for audience members.
Information cannot be adapted to a variety of circumstances or audience needs.
Structure of the presentation is so dominant or predictable that it smothers other ideas. There could be replication but it would require additional assets that may not be readily available.
Subject matter is malleable and adaptable to a broad audience and varied circumstances. An outcome for the audience is clearly defined. Audience will be able to adapt or apply in their own situations.
The proposal is both creative and innovative
The presentation offers no new or innovative perspectives.
The presentation offers some new or innovative perspective on an issue or problem but does not fully develop the ideas.
The topic offers a new or highly innovative perspective on an issue or problem. It may present a new solution to an ongoing problem or may present a new idea that has not been previously addressed.

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