Switch Animation Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student used method(s) that correctly runs the program, intended as written, and shows the functionality to the objects used.
Student does not have an animation program, program did not run as intended.
The student demonstrated understanding of method(s), but did not completely execute concepts asked.
The student had method(s), but demonstrated a limited amount of functionality.
Student has a world-level method, flipSwitch, that handles events and control on the program animation. It shows clear understanding of creating methods in the Alice program.
Student selected the appropriate object(s) from one of the galleries. (In this case, the switch)
The student used the incorrect object that was asked to used on designing the program.
Student had the correct object, but was not handled correctly, as asked.
Student used the correct object with methods, but it showed a limited amount of functionality on running the program.
The student has the appropriate object, Switch, that handles the animation program's purpose or role.
Student used event(s) that provides input as it is generated in the program.
The student did not have an event in their program.
Student had an event, but did not link it to a method.
Student used events that provided some sort of input, but did not properly perform the action asked.
The student handled the flipSwitch method by linking it to "when the Switch is clicked" event that performs an action, providing input for the user.
Student showed their understanding of If/Else statement(s) when instructions are executed or when a method is called.
The student did not use If/Else statement(s) to execute the program.
The student used If/Else statements, but it did not return a value that showed their understanding of functions.
The student used If/Else statement(s) and returned a value, but was not able to execute the program, as asked.
Student demonstrated understanding of functions by using If/Else statements that would return a value clearly executed in the program.
The student had an animation program that demonstrated their understanding of Chapter 6 concepts.
The student does not have an animation program.
Student has an animation program, but demonstrated a limited amount of functionality.
The student demonstrated an animation program with methods, but did not used functions (as asked in Chapter 6).
The student had an animation program that demonstrated their understanding of Chapter 6 concepts with method(s) and function(s) properly used.

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