Traditional Test Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Multiple Choice Questions were assessed.
Multiple choice is best assessment for objective. The student has enough information to answer the problem. Choices begin with one of the 5 W's or How.
Previous level requirements plus Clues to the answer are not in the questions. Reasonable choices are given. Choices are similar in length, grammar, and complexity. Answers choices don't try to trick student.
Previous level requirements plus Don't over lap answer choices. Don't use all of the above or none of the above as choices.
Previous level requirements plus the use of pictures or oral directions for students k-2 or with special requirements.
Short Answer Questions were assessed.
Item being asked for is relevant to learning objectives.
Previous requirements plus questions are easy to understand and easily indicate desired information. Listed all possible answer responses when more then one is available.
Previous level requirements plus include sample response form and key words when direct answer isn't specific.
Previous level requirements plus the use of rubrics to help determine how to specifically answer questions. Give point value for each part of the response.
Matching Questions were assessed.
Knowledge being assessed is best measured using this assessment form. Use a close matching set to assess knowledge and prevent confusion in testing.
Previous level requirements plus ensure number of choices is representative of grade level. Provide more options for older students.
Previous level requirements plus give clear directions on how to match items. Definitions, example, or problem on left side, term, concept, or answer on the right side.
Previous level requirements plus try to give no clues to correct answers. Make it difficult for older students to use process of elimination.
True-False Questions were assessed
Make sure that this is the best for of assessment for the knowledge being tested. Don't use the word "NOT" in a true statement.
Previous level requirements plus never combine true and false statements in the same questions. Do not use word for word from reading.
Previous level requirements plus be sure you use factual test statements.
Previous level requirements plus use are or oral directions for younger students or students with special requirements.
Completion/Close were assessed.
The blank should be at or near the end of the sentence. The missing word is a significant one that represents learning.
Previous level requirements plus sentences do not come out of a reading. There are no more then 2 blanks per sentence.
Previous level requirements plus when assessing grammar only focus on one concept at a time. Be sure to leave enough room on blank to accommodate your age of child.
Previous level requirements plus allow for oral response answers for younger students. Include an answer key.

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