3-D Atom Model
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

Model production
A product resembling an atom was produced.
Final product contains most of the parts of the assigned element in correct proportions.
Final product contains a nucleus with appropriate number of protons and neutrons and the correct number of electrons.
Final product contains correct parts with a quality visual presentation including energy shells.
Oral presentation of model
The student can explain how the model was made and how the atomic parts were represented.
The student can show that the model has the correct number of protons, electrons, and neutrons for the element being represented.
The student can explain the importance and relationships of parts of the atom, including energy shells.
The student can offer further information concerning even smaller subatomc parts of an atom and how the atom functions.
Question and Answer
The student nows their assigned atom and its position on the Periodic Table.
The student knows the relationship of proton number to electron number.
The student knows the meaning of the atomic number and the atomic mass.
The student knows how to determine the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom and number electrons on various shells.
Cooperation, Attitude, Participation, and Effort
Student produced a final product.
Student remained on task, working on the project, when given classroom time.
Student approached the work with a positive attitude.
Student demonstrated effort in producing a quality model of the assigned element.

Teacher Reflection :




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