Autumn Leaves
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

Student listened attentively to story and raised hand to answer questions during discussions.
Student listened attentively most of the time and raised hand sometimes to answer questions.
Student listened some of the time and answered questions only when asked.
Student did not listen attentively and did not answer any questions when asked.
Scientific use of tools
Student made a leaf rubbing and correctly measured its length with pennies and examined it with magnifying glass.
Student made a leaf rubbing and attempted to measure its length with pennies and examined it with magnifying glass.
Student attempted leaf rubbing and examined it with magnifying glass, but did not measure it with pennies.
Student did not make leaf rubbing or measure and examine it.
Science writing
Student correctly identifies 3 parts of the leaf and correctly uses two words to describe the leaf.
Student correctly identifies 2 parts of the leaf and correctly uses one word to describe the leaf.
Student correctly identifies one part of the leaf but does not describe the leaf.
Student does not write anything.

Teacher Reflection :




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