Biome Book

Title: ____________________________

Student knows that the earth is made up of environments and that there are 5 major biomes, and their names
Student does not label any biomes in booklet
Student labels 1-2 of the biomes in the booklet
Student labels 3-4 of the biomes in the booklet
Student labels all 5 biomes in booklet and spells them correctly
Students demonstrate knowledge of each individual biome by listing relevant facts and information that is unique to the biome.
Student provides no relevant information about the biomes, and any information provided is off topic (or not what was discussed during the learning
Student provides 1 piece of information about each biome but does not elaborate.
Student provides 2-3 pieces of relevant information about each biome.
Student provides 3-5 pieces of relevant on topic information about each biome which shows a clear understanding of the biomes characteristics.
Student creates an image that accurately portrays each biome and includes details which inform the viewer about the biome.
Student draws unrelated images in biome book that do not show any type of biome
Student draws 2-3 images of biomes but has limited amount of informative details
Student draws an image for each biome but it is limited in details
Student draws an image for each biome and includes informative details for the viewer and also correctly labels each image
Student displays neat handwriting as well as effort in overall quality of writing (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, neatness)
Students writing is almost unreadable, many spelling errors and misspells most biome names
Student has several spelling errors per page and the handwriting is messy but readable
Student has neat handwriting with very few spelling errors. Student clearly shows care and attention to neatness throughout book
Student's handwriting is very neat and legible, with little to no spelling errors.

Teacher Reflection :




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