Biomes Project

Title: ____________________________

Diorama - Directions are followed
Diorama shows only 1 of the required subjects
Diorama shows 2 of the required subjects
Diorama shows 3 of the required subjects
Diorama includes all required subjects
Diorama -Creativity/Neatness
Diorama is very simple and not neatly done.
Diorama is simple and neatly done.
Diorama shows effort and some creativity and is neatly done.
Diorama is creatively and neatly done.
Project a-d
Project doesn't match requirement
Project matches requirement, but isn't explained
Project matches requirement and is explained minimally
Project matches requirement and is fully explained
Project e-h
Project directions are lacking 2 of the required subjects or is not sufficiently researched
Project directions are lacking 1 of the required subjects and/or is minimally researched.
Project exhibits all required subjects but may be lacking research
Project is fully researched and includes all of the required subject.
Overall projects
Two of the projects are insufficient
One of the projects is insufficient
All projects sufficient; may not go beyond what is necessary
Projects all creatively done with obvious effort and research involved.

Teacher Reflection :




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