Title: ____________________________

There is not clear abstract before the introduction. The abstract is missing.
The abstract does not state the main problem under investigation. It does not adequately preview the paper and does not include the main objective, methodology and main conclusion of the work.
The abstract include the main objective, methodology and main conclusion of the work.
The abstract clearly defines the main objective, methodology and main conclusion of the work.
There is not clear introduction before the body paragraphs. The preview of the paper is missing and is not engaging. topic or problem missing.
The introduction states the main problem but does not adequately preview the paper and is not engaging to the reader. It does not include a summary of previous works on the theme under investigation. It does not include any conclusion of the research.
The introduction states the main problem and somewhat previews the paper It is not very engaging to the reader. It include a summary of previous works on the theme under investigation. It include some of the conclusion of the research.
The introduction is engaging, clearly states the problem or topic, and previews the paper. It include the main conclusion of the investigation and a clear proposal for future works on thi theme.
Each paragraph fails to develop the main ideas or main ideas are not relevant to the topic or problem being addressed.
Each paragraph lacks supporting sentences or sentences do not develop the main idea.
Each paragraph has sufficient supporting detail sentences that satisfactorily develop the main idea.
Each paragraph has meaningful supporting detail sentences that strongly develop the main idea.
Little to no structure or organization to ideas and paragraphs do not flow or are in logical order.
Organization of ideas is not fully developed or understood by reader and paper does not flow.
Paragraph development present but not perfected and paper flows in areas but not consistently.
There is a logical sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs. The paper flows.
The paper has no evidence of scientific research or supporting material and is written with several uses of first and second person.
The paper is written in a manner that is not scientiic and frequently includes slang. There are more than 3 uses of first or second person throughout the paper.
The paper is scientific in areas and presents science ideas but does not fully support the idea. Slang language is used minimally. 1-3 uses of first or second person.
The paper is written as a scientific reseach paper presenting and supporting science facts. There is no use of first or second person language (I, me, you, your, we, our, us).

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