Marion Intermediate School
Food Chain Rubric
Name: ________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Miller

Title: ____________________________

Did you use all 6 strips of constructin paper? white, blue, yellow, pink, orange, and brown.
Student used only 1 strip of paper in their food chain.
Student used only 3 strips of paper in their food chain.
Student used only 5 strips of paper in their food chain.
Student use all 6 strips of paper in their food chain.
Is your food chain in order beginning with the most energy to the decomposer?
Strips are not in order at all.
Strips are somewhat in order.
Strips are mostly in order.
All six strips are in order from sun, producer, herbivore, primary carnivore, secondary carnivore, and decomposer
Did you label all of the parts of your food chain from the sun to the decomposer?
Student did not label the parts of their food chain.
Student somewhat labeled some of the parts of their food chain.
Student mostly labeled the parts of their food chain.
Student labeled all parts of food chain: sun-source of energy, producer, herbivore, primary carnivore, secondary carnivore, and decomposer.

Teacher Reflection :




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