Food Webs and Food Chains

Title: ____________________________

Able to group different organisms into their correct biological niches.
Organisms not grouped in correct biological niches. Out of order
Most not grouped correctly. Most out of order.
Most are grouped correctly. Only 1-2 out of order.
All grouped correctly. All in correct order.
Show energy flow through food chain by constructing model food chains and food webs.
Does not show energy flow through food chain or web.
Does not show energy flow through food chain. 1-3 connections in food web.
Shows energy flow through food chain and showed most all connections through food web.
Shows energy flow through food chain and made all connections through food web.
Able to describe how pollutants can be transferred from organism to another.
Did not describe any pollutants transfer from organism to organism.
Able to understand pollutants effect organism, but did not describe transfer.
Able to understand and describe how pollutants effect organisms. Some understanding of transfer.
Able to understand and describe how pollutants effect organisms. Complete understanding of transfer from organism to organism.
Able to predict what might happen if one organism is removed from food web.
Does not understand what might happen if organism id removed from food chain.
Only understands next organism has nothing to eat.
Understands other organisms that feed directly from missing organism will diminish or die off.
Understands other organisms that feed directly and indirectly from missing organism will diminish or die off.

Teacher Reflection :




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