Lab Rubric

Title: ____________________________

PARTICIPATION: Participated in cooperation with others.
Participation was minimal OR student was hostile about participating. No group involvement.
Did the lab but did not appear very interested. Focus was lost on several occasions. Off task several times within group that delayed progress of the task.
Used time pretty well. Stayed focused on the experiment most of the time. Off task one or two times within group.
Used time well in lab and focused attention on the experiment. Excellent group involvement leading to positive completion of task.
FOLLOW PROCEDURE: Followed all lab procedures safely, including setup and clean up.
Was unsafe. Did not setup or clean up lab area. Did not follow teacher directions.
Ignored some safety guidelines. Setup was done incorrectly. Lab area was a little dirty. Followed some teacher directions.
Followed safety guidelines. Experiment was setup ok. Lab area was clean for the most part. Most teacher directions were followed.
Follwed all safety guidelines. Setup experiment correctly. Cleaned up entire lab area. Followed all directions from teacher.
MEASUREMENT: Correctly measured or observed.
Had 0-25% of the measurements and observations correct.
Had 26-50% of the measurements and observations correct.
Had 51-75% of the measurements and observations correct.
Had 75-100% of the measurements and observations correct.
DATA: Correctly recorded data in an organizational device, such as a chart or table.
Did not show data organization or the entire device was incorrect.
Showed incomplete and jumbled data organization. The organizational device was incorrect.
Showed complete and somewhat correct data organization. The organizational device was missing 1-2 requirements.
Showed complete and correct data organization. The organizational device was correct.
QUESTIONS: Made appropriate conclusions in analysis questions.
Had 0-25% of the questions correct.
Had 26-50% of the questions correct.
Had 51-75% of the questions correct.
Had 76-100% of the questions correct.

Teacher Reflection :




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