Lab Rubric

Title: ____________________________

Completion of Both Experiment and Data
Student does not complete the experiment or corresponding data.
Student does complete the experiment, but not the corresponding data.
Student completes the experiment, and most of the corresponding data.
Student completes both the experiment and the corresponding data.
Student shows little to no effort towards experiment and data.
Student shows little effort towards experiment and data.
Student shows consistent effort towards experiment and data most of the time.
Student shows consistent effort towards the experiment and data the whole time.
Neatness and Legibility
Writing is not legible or neat at all.
Writing is not legible or neat in some places.
Handwriting is consistently legible and neat in most places.
Handwriting is consistently legible and neat in all places.
Reasonable Responses
Student responses are not reasonable, do not correspond with content, and are not written in complete sentences.
Student responses are somewhat reasonable, correspond somewhat with content, and are somewhat written in complete sentences.
Student responses are mostly reasonable, correspond with the content, and for the most part are written in complete sentences.
Student responses are very reasonable, correspond greatly with all content, and are all written in complete sentences.
Adequate Time Spent on Experiment and Data
Student clearly rushed or took too long through entire experiment and corresponding data.
Student clearly rushed or took too long through certain parts of the experiment and corresponding data.
Student spent an adequate amount of time on most parts of the experiment and corresponding data.
Student spend an adequate amount of time on all parts of the experiment and corresponding data.

Teacher Reflection :




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