Organelle Research Project

Title: ____________________________

Students do not take turns speaking. Structure and function of organelle not included.
Students do not take turns speaking. Understanding of organelle structure and function not apparent/ inaccurate.
Students take turns speaking. Each student does demonstrates full understanding of organelle function and structure.
Students take turns speaking. Each student demonstrates full understanding of organelle funtion and structure.
Materials (PowerPoint, poster, model, etc)
No extra materials present.
Materials are not colorful, neat,nor accurate or cohesive to organelle. Organelle structure and function not demonstrated. Mechanical errors present interfere with meaning and understanding of organelle structure and function.
Materials are colorful, neat, but not accurate nor cohesive to organelle structure. Organelle structure and/or function not demonstrated fully. Mechanical errors present.
Materials are colorful, neat, and both accurate and cohesive to organelle structure. Organelle structure and function demonstrated fully. Few mechanical errors.
Handout materials
No handout materials present.
Handout materials are not cohesive with organelle demonstrative materials (model, poster, PowerPoint). Area for students to fill out and follow along not present. Mechanical errors interfere with understanding of organelle structure and function.
Handout materials are cohesive with organelle demonstrative materials (model, poster, PowerPoint). Area for students to fill out and follow along not present. Mechanical errors present.
Handout materials are cohesive with organelle demonstrative materials (model, poster, PowerPoint). Area for students to fill out and follow along present. Few mechanical errors.
Strcture of Organelle
No sturcture of organelle present.
Structure of organelle not accurate to that of a microscopic photo. Each part of organelle not labeled or illustrated.
Structure of organelle not accurate to that of a microscopic photo. Each part of organelle labeled and illustrated.
Structure of organelle accurate to that of a microscopic photo. Each part of organelle clearly labeled and illustrated. Location of organelle within cell clearly stated.
Function of Organelle
Function of organelle not presented.
Function of organelle not fully explained. Importance to overall cell stability and health not stated.
Function of organelle explained. Importance to overall cell stability and health not stated.
Function of organelle clearly explained. Importance to overall cell stability and health stated and understanding has been demonstrated.

Teacher Reflection :




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