Science Concept Rubric
Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Title: ____________________________

Understanding (Knowledge of Science and Technology Concept)
Student demonstrates limited understanding of the concept--teacher assistance required
Student demonstrates some understanding of concept--some teacher assistance
Student demonstrates considerable understanding of concept--limited teacher assistance
Student demonstrates a thorough understanding of concept-- no teacher assistance
Inquiry Skills (Research and Investigation Skills)
Student demonstrates limited inquiry skills (i.e. use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills). Student has difficulty using graphic organizers, images, resources etc. for scientific inquiry about a concept
Student demonstrates some inquiry skills (i.e. use scientific inquiry/ experimentation skills). Student has some difficulty using graphic organizers, images, resources etc. for scientific inquiry about a concept
Student demonstrates inquiry skills (i.e. use scientific inquiry/ experimentation skills). Student can use graphic organizers, images, resources etc. for scientific inquiry about a concept
Student demonstrates effective inquiry skills (i.e. use scientific inquiry/ experimentation skills). Student can independently use graphic organizers, images, resources etc. for scientific inquiry about a concept
Communication (Expression of Scientific Knowledge)
Student has difficulty explaining, describing, comparing, making connections etc. using terminology associated with the scientific concept
Student has some difficulty explaining, describing, comparing, making connections etc. using terminology associated with the scientific concept
Student can explain, describe, compare, make connections etc. using terminology associated with the scientific concept
Student can effectively explain, describe, compare, make connections etc. using terminology associated with the scientific concept
Application (Transfer of knowledge and skills to other skills and modern comparisons)
Student applies limited knowledge and skills learned--teacher assistance required
Student applies some knowledge and skills learned--some teacher assistance required
Student applies knowledge and skills learned--limited teacher assistance required
Student effectively applies knowledge and skills learned--. no teacher assistance required

Teacher Reflection :




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