Temperature Data and Graph Rubric
Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Title: ____________________________

Student measures temperature accurately
Student reports number without decimal or units
Student reports number to one decimal place without units
Student reports number to one decimal place with units
Student reports number to two decimal places with units
Student properly sets up graph
Student provides unlabeled and untitled graph with data plotted
Student provides only one labeled axis including units or title with data plotted
Student provides two labeled axes including units or one axis and title with data plotted
Student provides two labeled axis including units and title with plotted data
Student accurately plots data
Student plots no data points correctly and improperly chooses dependent and independent variables
Student plots data 2 or more data points correctly or properly chooses dependent and independent variables
Student plots 3-4 data points correctly or properly chooses dependent and independent variables
Student plots all data points accurately and correctly chooses dependent and independent variables
Presentation of Graph
Graph is hand generated without use of straightedge and there are 2 or more spelling errors
Graph is hand generated without use of straightedge and there are less than 2 spelling errors
Graph is hand generated with use of straightedge and there are 2 or more spelling errors
Graph is hand generated with use of straightedge and there are no spelling errors

Teacher Reflection :




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