Using the Scientific Method

Title: ____________________________

Question or Problem Statement
No problem statement is written.
The problem statement is written but does not appropriately address the hypothesis and procedure.
Problem statement is written as a question. Hypothesis and procedure appropriately address the question.
Problem statement is written as a "why" or "what would happen if" question. Hypothesis and procedure appropriately address the question.
No hypothesis is written.
Hypothesis is not written in "If... then..." format and does not include the independent variable and/or an appropriate possible answer to the problem statement.
Hypothesis is not written in "If... then..." format. Includes the independent variable and an appropriate possible answer to the problem statement.
Hypothesis is written in "If...then..." format. Includes the independent variable and an appropriate possible answer to the problem statement.
Does not include three or more of the following: material list, appropriate experimental procedure, includes at least three trials, instructions are clear
Does not include two of the following: material list, appropriate experimental procedure, includes at least three trials, instructions are clear
Does not include one of the following: material list, appropriate experimental procedure, includes at least three trials, instructions are clear
Includes material list, appropriate experimental procedure, includes at least three trials, instructions are clear
Data Table
More than three of the following are missing: data table is clearly labeled, includes independent variables, at least three trials, averages, and measurements include units.
Two - three of the follow are missing: data table is clearly labeled, includes independent variables, at least three trials, averages, and measurements include units.
One of the follow is missing: data table is clearly labeled, includes independent variables, at least three trials, averages, and measurements include units.
Data table is clearly labeled, includes independent variables, at least three trials, averages, and measurements include units.
Missing a conclusion or does not mention any of the criteria.
Missing four: whether the hypothesis was supported or disproven, statement of data to support, possible errors, and offers another hypothesis and
Missing two-three: whether the hypothesis was supported or disproven, statement of data to support, possible errors, and offers another hypothesis and/or recommendations for a second experiment.
Includes all or missing only one: whether the hypothesis was supported or disproven, statement of data to support, possible errors, and offers another hypothesis and/or recommendations for a second experiment.

Teacher Reflection :




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