Animals of Central American Rainforest
Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Title: ____________________________

Student will be able to describe the environmental conditions that exist in a rainforest.
Student does not provide any description of environmental conditions in a rainforest.
Student identifies environmental conditions in the rainforest and other habitats.
Student can describe at least 2 unique features of the rainforest environment.
Student can identify all the unique conditions that exist in the rainforest and contrast those with conditions in other habitats.
Student will be able to explain why rainforests are important to the ecological balance of the earth.
Student does not explain why rainforests are important to the ecological balance of the earth.
Student inaccurately explains why the rainforest is critical to the global environment.
Students can name at least 2 ways the rainforests effects the environment.
Students can explain how the rainforest effects world climate, air , etc. and provides examples of the impact.
Student will be able to identify at least 5 Central American rainforest animals.
Student does not identify Central American rainforest animals.
Student cannot differentiate between rainforest and non-rainforest animals.
Student can name at least 3 animals from the Central American rainforest.
Student can name 5 animals of the central american rainforest and name 5 exotic animals that do NOT come from central America.
Student will be able to identify and describe adaptations that help animals thrive in the rainforest.
Student does not identify any of the adaptations that help animals thrive in the rainforest.
Students inaccurately describes adaptations of rainforest animals.
Student can give examples of at least one adaptation that supports animal survival in the rainforest.
Students identifies at least 3 examples of adaptations and provides an example of each.

Teacher Reflection :




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