All about ME!
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

Completed and done neatly
Not neat and not completed
Some of it is neat and complete
Most of it is neat and complete
All of it is neat and complete and very well done!
Creative use of colors and pictures
Very few colors or pictures
Some use of color and some pictures
Lots of color and good use of pictures
Used a variety of colors and lots of very appropriate pictures
Demonstrates understanding of self through pictures and words
Is not able to demonstrate a good understanding of self through pictures and words
Demonstrated some understanding of self through pictures and words
Demonstrated a good sense of self through pictures and words
Demonstrated an excellent understanding of self through pictures and words
Matters of Correctness
Lots of spelling and punctuation errors
Some spelling and punctuation errors
Only a couple of spelling and punctuation errors
No spelling or punctuation errors

Teacher Reflection :




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