My Student Contract

Title: ____________________________

Developing Ideas
Shows limited evidence of generating own ideas.
Shows some evidence of generating own ideas.
Shows considerable evidence of generating own ideas.
Shows exceptional evidence of generating own ideas.
Sentence Fluency (with a focus on connecting sentences to paragraph topic)
Shows limited evidence in linking sentences to paragraph topic.
Shows some evidence in linking sentences to paragraph topic.
Shows considerable evidence in linking sentences to paragraph topic.
Shows exceptional evidence in linking sentences to paragraph topic.
Preparing for Revision
Shows limited evidence of improving written work in the writing process.
Shows some evidence of improving written work in the writing process.
Shows considerable evidence of improving written work in the writing process.
Shows exceptional evidence of improving written work in the writing process.
Producing Drafts
Shows limited evidence of revising draft pieces to meet identified criteria.
Shows some evidence of revising draft pieces to meet identified criteria.
Shows considerable evidence of revising draft pieces to meet identified criteria.
Shows exceptional evidence of revising draft pieces to meet identified criteria.

Teacher Reflection :




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