Trip to Grocery Store Rubric
Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Title: ____________________________

Student will generate shopping list using Boardmaker program when presented with 5 items.
Student requires assistance.
Student is able to enter 1-2 items independently.
Student is able to enter 3-4 items independently.
Student is able to enter all 5 items independently.
Student will locate items on shopping list and place in the shopping cart.
Student requires assistance in locating items.
Student locates 1-2 items on shopping list and places them in the shopping cart.
Student locates 3-4 items on shopping list and places them in the shopping cart.
Student locates all items on shopping list and places them in the shopping cart.
Student will enter checkout, place items on belt and pay cashier.
Student requires significant prompting. ( more than 5 verbal or physical prompts.)
Student enters checkout, but needs 3-4 prompts to complete the task.
Student enters checkout, places items on belt but requires 1-2 verbal cues when paying cashier.
Student enters checkout, places items on belt and pays for items independently.

Teacher Reflection :




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