African American Hero

Title: ____________________________

Essay Structure
Student's five-paragraph essay contains fewer than three paragraphs.
Student's five-paragraph essay contains only 3-4 of the 5 parts.
Student writes a good five-paragraph essay containing the thesis statement, the body and a conclusion.
Student writes an excellent five-paragraph essay containing a thesis statement, the supporting body, and a conclusion.
Quality writing
Student does not display good writing skills nor demonstrate the command of English grammar, vocabulary and spelling.
Student displays good writing skills and an adequate command of English grammar, vocabulary and spelling.
Student displays excellent writing skills and demonstrates command of English grammar, vocabulary and spelling.
Student displays exceptional writing skills and demonstrates command of English grammar, vocabulary and spelling.
Student has no visual to reinforce presentation.
Student visual did not reinforce the presentation.
Student uses one visual to reinforce presentation.
Student uses several visuals to reinforce presentation.
Time and Neatness
Student submitted an essay that lacked neatness and was submitted three days after the due date.
Student submitted an essay no later than two days after the due date.
Student submitted a neat essay no more than one day late.
Student submitted a neatly typed essay by the required due date.
Oral Presentation
Student presented the African American hero with neither eye contact nor clarity of speech.
Student presented the African American Hero with some eye contact and clarity of speech.
Student presented the African American Hero with good eye contact and speech.
Student presented the African American Hero with great eye contact and clarity of speech.

Teacher Reflection :




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