American Symbols Presentation

Title: ____________________________

Eye contact: The speaker is not reading directly from the brochure. Speaker looks at audience when presenting the information.
1 points: The speaker reads directly from the rubric almost the entire time.
4 points: The speaker mainly reads from brochure but looks up occasionally.
7 points: The speaker reads brochure only occasionally.
10 points: The speaker does not ready from brochure except to use it as a quick reference and makes eye contact with his or her classmates.
Voice: Speaker's voice is clear and easy to hear.
1 point: The speaker can barely be heard in the front of the room.
4 points: The speaker can be heard from the middle of the room.
7 points: The speaker can be heard from all areas in the room.
10 points: The speaker can be heard from all areas of the room and annunciates his or her words very clearly.
Organization: Speaker provides a beginning, middle, and end to his or her presentation.
1 points: The speaker has very little organization in presentation.
4 points: The speaker has a distinct middle part but does not have an end or a beginning.
7 points: The speaker has a distinct middle and also has either a beginning or an end.
10 points: The speaker has a beginning, middle and end.
Preparation: Speaker is well prepared and has obviously practiced their presentation and included all the appropriate information.
1 point: The speaker is not well organized.
4 points: The speaker shows signs up some organization.
7 points: The speaker has presentation somewhat prepared but lacks in a few moments of showing organization in presentation.
10 points: The speaker has presentation very well prepared and shows confidence in presentation.
Cereal box: Cereal box can easily be seen.
1 point: The cereal box can not be seen.
4 points: The cereal box can be seen only occasionally.
7 points: The cereal box can be seen most of the time.
10 points: The cereal box can be seen the entire presentation time.

Teacher Reflection :




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