Basic Principles of the Constitution

Title: ____________________________

Audience cannot understand presentatiion because there is no sequence of information.
Audience has difficulty following presentation because it jumps around.
Information is presented in a logical sequence which audience can follow.
Information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence which is easy to follow.
Content Knowledge
Presenters demonstrate little understanding of the principle.
Presenters are uncomfortable with the information and unable to answer basic questions about it.
Presenters are at ease with the content, but fail to elaborate on it.
Presenters demonstrate full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration.
Presenters use no visuals.
Presenters use visuals that offer little support for the presentation.
Visuals relate to the principle.
Visuals not only relate but clearly reinforce the meaning of the principle.
Presentation has 4 or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has 3 or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has no more than 2 spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has no spelling or grammatical errors
Presenters mumble, incorrectly pronounce terms, and speak too quietly for student in the back of class to hear.
Presenters incorrectly pronounce terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation.
Presenters vioces are clear. Most words are correctly pronounced.
Presenters use clear voices and correct, precise pronunciation of terms.

Teacher Reflection :




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