Business Leader Biographical Essay
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

How well do you know your business leader? What have you learned about this person? Have you determined thier leadership style?
Demonstrates little knowledge or understanding of the person. Does not discuss leadership style of person. Written work is merely a rewriting of facts.
Demonstrates some gaps in understanding. Includes some factual errors and misconceptions. Attempts to discuss leadership style.
Demonstrates good understanding of important ideas and events in person’s life. Discusses the leadership style.
Demonstrates excellent understanding of person’s life and leadership style.
Organization Is your essay well-organized? Does your beginning paragraph draw the reader in? Does your final paragraph summarize what is important to know about your person?
There does not seem to be an organizational plan. Ideas seem jumbled and disconnected.
Introduction and conclusion are present, but not complete. An organizational plan is evident, but some ideas are presented out of order.
Good introduction and conclusion. Information is presented in a logical order. Uses adequate transitions between ideas.
Introduction and conclusion are strong and engaging. Information is presented in a logical and interesting order. Ideas flow well.
Supporting Details Do you use details and examples from the person’s life to show thier leadership style?
Does not use relevant examples or explanations to elaborate on the topic.
Uses some examples and explanations to express ideas. May include some examples that are not relevant to the topic.
Develops ideas using some examples, details, and explanations.
Develops ideas fully using appropriate and relevant examples, reasons, details, explanations, and generalizations.
Mechanics Spelling, punctuation, capitalization
Distracting errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization.
A few errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization. (3-4)
Punctuation, spelling, capitalization are generally correct, with few errors. (1-2)
Punctuation, spelling, capitalization are correct. No errors.

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