Holocaust Survivor Research Project

Title: ____________________________

Interview Questions
Students generate less than 3 questions.
Students generate at least 3 general questions that require only yes or no answers.
Students generate at least 4 general questions that are open-ended.
Students properly generate at least 5 questions specific to the subject and open-ended.
Information Gathering
Information is gathered one electronic or non-electronic sources only.
Information is gathered from limited (2) electronic and non-electronic sources
Information is gathered from multiple electronic and non-electronic sources.
Information is gathered from multiple (at least 3) electronic and non-electronic sources and cited properly (MLA/APA).
Body of Paper
Weakly organized.
Typed, well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing and sentence structure.
Typed, well-organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or sentence structure.
Typed, well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and sentence structure.
Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling
There are five or more errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation
There are three or four errors in capitalization, spelling, and/or pu
There are one or two errors in punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization.
Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are correct.

Teacher Reflection :




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