Living in a Community
Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Title: ____________________________

Locate and describe places in the school and community.
Student is able to locate and describe no places in our school or community.
Student is able to locate and describe 1-2 places in our school or community.
Student is able to locate and describe 3-6 places in our school or community.
Student is able to locate and describe several (more than 6) places in our school or community.
Know one's own phone number, street address, city or town, and state in which the student lives. (4 parts)
Student knows 0-1 of the required pieces of infor-mation in the stated objective.
Student knows 2 of the required pieces of information in the stated objective.
Student knows 3 of the required pieces of information in the stated objective.
Student knows all 4 of the required pieces of information in the stated objective.
Define and give examples of rules and laws, and why they are important.
Student gives example of 0 rules and laws and is unable to define why they are impor-tant.
Student gives 1 or more examples of rules and laws but is unable to define why they are important.
Student gives 1 or more examples of rules and laws and is able to define why they are important.
Student gives 4 or more examples of rules and laws and is able to define why they are important.
Explain the purpose and necessity of rules and laws at home, school, and community (3 locations).
Student is unable to explain the purpose of any rules and laws.
Student is able to explain the purpose of rules and laws at 1 of the locations indicated in the objective.
Student is able to explain the purpose of rules and laws at 2 of the locations indicated in the objective.
Student is able to explain the purpose of rules and laws at all 3 of the locations indicated in the objective.

Teacher Reflection :




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