The legend is missing from the map.
Some parts of the legend are included.
The legend is drawn in a box and has a title and 8 symbols.
The legend is drawn in a box and has a title and 8 neatly drawn symbols.
Map Features
The map is missing either a title, labels, a compass rose or correctly placed symbols.
The map has most features (title, labels, compass rose, symbols).
The map has all features included(title, compass rose, labels, symbols).
The map has detailed features included (title, labels, compass rose, symbols).
The map and its symbols are not in proper proportion.
Some of the map and its symbols are in proper proportion.
Most of the map and its symbols are in proper proportion.
All of the map and its symbols are in proper proportion.
Overall Neatness
The map has several spelling errors and lacks attention to detail.
The map has some spelling errors and lacks some attention to detail.
The map has few spelling errors and has a good overall presentation.
The map has no spelling errors and attention to detail is evident.