Native Americans - Group Project (with Journal Entry)
Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Title: ____________________________

Natural Resources
Students demonstrate MINIMAL understanding of the region of the United States for the tribe studied. The group does NOT effectively use natural resources in an accurate way.
Students demonstrate PARTIAL understanding of the region of the United States for the tribe studied.The group semi-effectively uses SOME natural resources in a LIMITED and MOSTLY ACCURATE way.
Students demonstrate ADVANCED understanding of the region of the United States for the tribe studied.The group effectively uses SOME natural resources in a FAIRLY REALISTIC and ACCURATE way.
Students demonstrate COMPLETE understanding the region of the United States for the tribe studied. The group effectively uses their natural resources in a REALISTIC and ACCURATE way.
Daily Life and Culture
Students demonstrate an INCOMPLETE understanding of their tribe's culture and daily life. They MINIMALLY compare and contrast their tribe with another. Their drawings are NOT DETAILED or CREATIVE.
Students demonstrate a PARTIAL understanding of their tribe's culture and daily life. They SOMEWHAT compare and contrast their tribe with another. Their drawings are SOMEWHAT DETAILED and CREATIVE.
Students demonstrate a MOSTLY COMPLETE understanding of their tribe's culture and daily life. They CORRECTLY compare and contrast their tribe with another. Their drawings are DETAILED and CREATIVE.
Students demonstrate a COMPLETE understanding of their tribe's culture and daily life. They EXPERTLY compare and contrast their tribe with another. Their drawings are HIGHLY DETAILED and CREATIVE.
Response to Europeans
Student's journal entry displays a MINIMAL amount of understanding of their tribe and a LOW level of creativity. The response to European exploration was NOT BELIEVABLE or WELL-REASONED.
Student's journal entry displays a LIMITED amount of understanding of their tribe and an ACCEPTABLE level of creativity. The response to European exploration was SOME-WHAT BELIEVABLE and MOSTLY WELL-REASONED.
Student's journal entry displays a LARGE amount of understanding of their tribe and an ACCEPTABLE level of creativity. The response to European exploration was MOSTLY BELIEVABLE and WELL-REASONED.
Student's journal entry displays a GREAT amount of understanding of their tribe and an ADVANCED level of creativity. The response to European exploration was BELIEVABLE and WELL-REASONED.

Teacher Reflection :




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