Web Site Evaluation
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

Web site inappropriate for age and developmental stage of students.
Web site appropriate for age and developmental stage of students but does not promote learning at correct levels of student ability and academic achievement.
Web site appropriate for age and developmental stage of students. Promotes learning but cannot be used with more than one ability/academic level.
Appropriate for age and developmental stage of students.Can be used with more than one ability/academic level
Web site content not valid.
Web site content valid but does not state when last updated.
Web site content valid. Content meets NSW Curriculum objectives. Information not well organised.
Web site content valid. Content meets NSW Board of Studies curriculum objectives. Information well organised and compliments curriculum learning objectives.
Technical support
No printed or online support.
Online support is not easy to use and understand. Poor coverage of topics.
Online support provided. Easy to use and understand. No further contact details for assistance and support (e-mail or phone technical support).
Online support provided. Clear and easy to understand with tutorial aids. Further contact details provided for supprt.
Technical quality
Web page slow to load. Lack of graphics and sound, media elements. Site not engaging and interesting.
Web page slow to load. Pleasing visual appearance but use of graphics and sound not of high quality.
Web page loads in reasonable time. Pleasing visual appearance. Use of sound, graphics and other media. Lack of feedback and prompts for students.
Web page loads in reasonable time. Pleasing visual appearance. Easy to navigate. Links well organised. Clarity of screen design. Good Use of graphics, sound and media elements.Appropriate and motivating feedback for students.
Educational suitability
Web site unsuitable for class. Not motivational and engaing. Difficult to navigate and use.
Web site suitable for class. Feedback and prompts for students. Students require assistance to use the site.
Web site suitable for class. Feedback and prompts for students. Not suitabile for frequent/recurrent use due to limited resources on site.
Web site suitable for the class. Motivational and engaging. Provides student feedback and prompts. Easy for students to use.Suitable for frequent/recurrent use as itcan be used with more than ability/academic level.

Teacher Reflection :




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