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Teacher Tips > Strategies For Working With Constant Classroom Talkers
Strategies For Working With Constant Classroom Talkers
Both new teachers and those who have been in the profession for years will always struggle against students who constantly talk amongst themselves in lessons. You will have to be prepared for the likely possibility that your lesson plans will not go exactly as you planned. It is important to try and stop small conversations amongst a couple of people before it turns into a wildfire and spreads throughout your class. This article explains a number of strategies that can be used to tackle the students who whisper continuously and pass notes to one another. It can often take time for these to take effect, but after a few days or a few weeks, you will begin to notice a definite decrease in the amount of gossiping amongst your students.
One of the easiest ways to stop talkers in your classroom is to break up the couple or group who are causing the trouble. Make these students aware that they have broken your classroom rules and that if they break them, they will lose privileges such as sitting next to their friends.
Although you may be uncomfortable taking this step, it might be helpful if you listen in on student's conversations. Another way to prevent disruptive behavior is to monitor what the students are looking at on their computers to make sure that they are not on anything inappropriate or instant messaging. This is not an invasion of privacy as you are just ensuring that class time is dedicated to class work.
Try arranging all the student's seats in a circle. This allows you to have a full rounded view of them all, and they are less likely to pass notes if they feel like you are constantly observing them.
Redirect any negative and talkative energy into classroom assignments. Use the talking positively by putting your students into groups and have them discuss topics and work together. Give out assignments for oral presentations, which may help relieve some of the talkative energy. Ask the lead talker in your class to read things out more often in class such as directions for tasks you have set. Try setting tasks such as word searches or introducing printables into your classes as well as keeping things different to help keep your students engaged.
If the student is talking in public, then perhaps you should make your reaction public. Calmly and respectfully tell your students that they are interrupting your lesson and their own learning. Calling out their unwelcome behavior will draw attention to those who may not know that they are distracting. It will also serve as a reminder to others.
Try speaking to the talkers privately after class, quietly explaining that although you understand it is difficult to stay silent for long periods of time, their behavior is extremely distracting for both you and their fellow classmates.
If you catch any hint of a whisper, try moving your position closer to the talkers but don't stop what you were already saying.
Talking, whispering, gossiping and passing notes are all part of teenage culture, but this doesn't't mean that it is suitable for inside the classroom. Address your students using the above steps, avoiding unfriendly confrontations and your students will respect you and be more focused on their class tasks.