1. Topic-
Dear Mr. Blueberry by Simon James
2. Content-
This lesson is about blue whales because that is what the story that we read is about. The students will get to see how long a blue whale really is to get the lesson started and then they will create presentations on blue whales using Ipads.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Learn how to create a slideshow using an Ipad.
2. Learn how to read nonfiction text and do research.
3. Learn the true length of a blue whale.
4. Objectives-
1. SWBAT examine the actual length of a blue whale.
2. SWBAT read nonfiction information with fluency, comprehension and understanding.
3. SWBAT design a slideshow presentation using the facts they learn about blue whales using an Ipad.
5. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. I will ask the students what we have learned so far about blue whales and write them on the board.
2. I will ask the students if they remember how long a blue whale is, and then explain that we will go and measure out how long a blue whale really is.

3. I will set the rules for being in the hallway before we go out to stretch the yarn out.

4. The students and I will go out and stretch the 100 foot long yarn so that the students can see how long a blue whale really is.

B. Development-

1. After we have seen how long a blue whale is, I will send them back into the classroom to their seats.

2. Students will receive an information sheet about blue whales that they will read and take out the most important information that they found and write sentences.

3. Once this is done, I will show students how to use the Ipad app "Haiku Deck" and how to create a presentation about blue whales using the new app.

C. Practice-

1. Once I've shown how to use it and tell them what the criteria is for it, the students will be asked to get out their Ipads and to get started on their own presentations.

2. I will walk around to help students with the new program and give assistance to any student who needs it.

3. Students should have up to 3 slides (including a title page) and they must have both pictures and text.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Once I can see that students are figuring out how to use the program, I will have them do their own research and design.

2. Students are allowed to use facts from the story or the information sheet that they received.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. I will give verbal instruction to those who do not understand the program and show them how to use it and put their own information in.

2. If a student couldn't do the project at all, I would have them create a mini fact book on paper with crayons.

F. Checking for understanding-

The assessment for this lesson is the slideshow presentation. All slideshows must have 3 slides, a title page, and information from the story or from the information sheet that was given in the beginning. This assessment will show if the students know how to pick out important nonfiction information and put it into their own creative slideshow using the technology that we have in the classroom.

G. Closure-

1. I will have students stop where they are before recess and have them save their presentation.

2. If they finish their presentation before recess, I will have them read Dear Mr. Blueberry by Simon James independently.
7. Evaluation-
Students will be able to create a slideshow presentation with nonfiction facts that are 3 slides long, have a title page, facts about blue whales, and pictures by the end of this lesson.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)