1. Topic-
Reader's Workshop- building a community of learners
2. Content-
Introduce students to read-aloud discussions.
Model what read-aloud time looks and sounds like. Demonstrate how to use a read-aloud notebook.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Observe who can explore and discuss their thoughts, ideas, and experiences

2.Emphasize the connection between reading, writing and thinking

3.Begin to establish a safe classroom environment
4. Objectives-
1.Students will practice talking in a group and learn to listen to others' ideas

2.Students will practice appropriate behavior at read-aloud time

5. Materials and Aids-
Chart paper, read-aloud, read-aloud notebook
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Gather students together and talk to them about read-aloud time- what it is. Discuss some characters they may be introduced to over the year


B. Development-

1.Establish what this time should look and sound like- make sure to add meaningful talk in your expectations as well as listening(do this with students). Record info on chart.

2. Model what read-aloud time should look like

3.Model what read-aloud time should not look like

C. Practice-

1.Practice- read aloud a short picture book- "No David"
2.Have students work with a partner and practice asking questions and responding to others

D. Independent Practice-

1.Read "David Gets in Trouble"

2.Have students come up with a question and write it on a sticky note

3.Share a few

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Students may work with partners to come up with questions

2.Sample questions will be modeled to help students who have difficulty thinking of their own question

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Collect sticky notes to see what types of questions students are asking.

2.Observe students who are willingly joining in conversations and students who are reluctant to share

G. Closure-

1.Show Read-Aloud notebook and mention that during the next lesson, we will look at how we can use this to hold our thinking
7. Evaluation-
1.Sticky notes with questions

2.Student observations

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)