1. Topic-
Storytelling & Retelling; Parts of a Story
2. Content-
Listening to a story and recounting main characters, setting, main events and conclusion.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Student will comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media presentations - by discussing, reading,writing, viewing and responding.
4. Objectives-
1.Identify the main idea or topic of simple narrative texts.
2. Participate in shared listening, reading experiences using oral & print forms from a variety of cultural traditions and genres.
3. Relate aspects of stories and characters to personal feelings and experiences.
5. Materials and Aids-
- Narrative story book - "Storm Boy"
- pencils & erasers
- story organizer/graphic organizer
- crayons, pencil crayons, markers
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Students will be sitting on floor in listening area for "Calendar Time".
2. Once calendar activities are complete, we will discuss parts of the book we will read together. (ie. cover, title, author name, picture/what might story be about)
3. We will read the story " Storm Boy" as a read aloud to the class.

B. Development-

1. Students will return to desks. I will explain the story organizer and how students are to complete the assignment.
2. We will discuss story while I write ideas/sentence & idea examples on chart paper.

C. Practice-

1. Students will be given their own graphic story organizers to begin re-telling the story.
2. We will discuss each block as students begin - who are the main characters? Did they have names?

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will complete rest of story organizer on their own.
2.They will also complete a page depicting their favorite part of the story and a sentence explaining the favorite part.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students who cannot see the board will be allowed to move desks to front of room to be able to see examples, etc.
2. Students with specifically modified programs or IPP goals may have the assignment modified to suit individual needs (ie. pictures/no writing, fewer story components to re-tell...)
3.Students will be allowed to look back through book for ideas/assistance.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Review story components as as group as per story organizer.
2.Title of story? Main characters? Setting? Main ideas/events? How does it end/conclusion?
3.Your favorite part of the story is... (students get a chance to retell parts of the story).

G. Closure-

1.Has this happened in your culture/community? Or something similar?
2.When we have guest at school/in community, do we share our culture - dances, singing, drumming, etc.??
3. Why? (It makes them feel welcome, accepted, important part of our culture/community/family)
7. Evaluation-
1.Students will be evaluated on:
1) Completion of assignment (all parts of organizer complete)

2) Neatness of printing

3) Spelling/punctuation - 0.5 per mistake

4) Effort - Is it colored? Are pictures drawn nicely? Did student take time to complete assignment?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)