1. Topic-
Paraprofessional instruction of positioning and adaptive techniques for inclusion of a 4 year old child with cerebral palsy in preschool environment.
2. Content-
I. Positioning techniques to improve during circle time, free play, activity time and recess.
2. Safe and appropriate use of both specialized medical equipment and equipment found in natural environment of preschool.
3. Inclusion model
4. overview of
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Paraprofessional will apply knowledge of a variety of appropriate positioning
strategies for the student(s) while in the preschool classroom and following the preschool schedule, 100% of the time.

2. Paraprofessional will participate actively in problem solving the student(s)'s complete participation in preschool activities with cuing from occupational therapist.

3. Paraprofessional will adapt activities to increase the student(s)'s participation in preschool classroom with consultation as needed from occupational therapist.
4. Objectives-
Para will demonstrate proper lifting techniques
5. Materials and Aids-
Rifton Bench, Bean bag chair, iPad,
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Introduce paraprofessional to general information about 4 year old with cerebral palsy and his likes and dislikes.
2. Discuss evidence for inclusive and natural embedded activities for preschool classroom.
3. Introduce paraprofessional to the role of occupational therapy in the preschool setting.

B. Development-

1. Demonstration by occupational therapist on activity specific positioning techniques.
2. Explanation and engaging paraprofessional in active problem solving during classroom activities to encourage full inclusion of child in classroom activities and routines.
3. Modeling and explanation of adapted techniques for classroom activities to improve child's participation in age appropriate activities within classroom.

C. Practice-

1. Paraprofessional to practice using positioning equipment with therapist present during free play to allow for communication between therapist and paraprofessional.
2. Allow paraprofessional to actively problem solve choice of 3 positions and or equipment to be used for child during fine motor activity. Pictures of positions and or equipment to be provided and matched to activity in classroom on laminated schedule.
3. Allow for active problem solving in presence of OT of adaptive grasp on markers and equipment based on child's interest in fine motor activity.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Paraprofessional to use a picture schedule in child's communication note book to indicate positioning equipment used and activities during preschool day.
2. Paraprofessional will record and review comfort level of techniques for inclusion, and positioning, and adapting activities on a 1 through 5 self efficacy scale for main activities in classroom. Will review with occupational therapist weekly to indicate further learning opportunities.
3. Paraprofessional will participate in the assistive technology meeting on child and indicate techniques that have been successful.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Visual schedule in communication notebook. Kinesthetic demonstration of lifting and holding techniques. Picture cues for safety.
2. Time scheduled for Paraprofessional to meet with OT after student leaves
3. Time scheduled for meetings

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Review communication notebook weekly, then monthly.
2. Continue with Self efficacy scale

G. Closure-

1. Review Self Efficacy scale from beginning to end to empower paraprofessional in her skills
2. Leave para with contact information
7. Evaluation-
1. Self Efficacy Scale
2. observation

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)