Often unintelligible.
Accent sounds American. Many errors.
Pronunciation mostly
understandable to a nonnative speaker. No attempt to
speak with a native accent. Several errors
Not entirely native
sounding, but consistent and understandable to a native
speaker. 1 or 2 errors
An attempt to pronounce
words with a native accent. Consistent and understandable
to a native speaker.
Fluidity of speech/
Halting speech. Needs
Noticeable hesitation.
Some prompting necessary Moments of natural flow.
Some minor hesitations.
No prompting. Mostly natural flow.
No hesitation. Consistent,
natural flow. No prompting necessary.
Grammar/ structure
Many errors lead to
Several errors may
lead to some confusion.
Some minor errors,
but do not cause confusion.
Sentences mostly correct.
No confusion
Effort/ Follows
Does not follow guidelines
or meet expectations.
Follows most guidelines.
Some expectations may not be met.
Meets expectations.
Guidelines followed
Exceeds expectations.
All guidelines followed
Overall presentation
Very difficult to hear.
At times inaudible. No eye contact.
Low volume. At times
difficult to hear by many people in audience. Little
to no eye contact.
Good volume. Understandable
and can be heard by most people in the audience. Some
eye contact.
Excellent volume. Easily
heard and understood. Eye contact made with audience.