Students will correctly
use reflexive verbs in Spanish
There are many (8+)
errors in the use of reflexive verbs- including spelling
and subject agreement, along with not using definite
articles when necessary.
There are some (4-8)
errors in the use of reflexive verbs- including spelling,
and not using definite articles when necessary.
There are few (1-3)
errors in the use of reflexive verbs- including not
using definite articles when necessary.
There are no errors
in the use of the reflexive verbs in the sentences.
Students will have
correct sentence structure.
The sentences are not
correctly structured. They are hard to read.
There are some (4-8)
errors in sentence structure, including placement of
There are a few errors
(1-3) in sentence structure, including placement of
There are no errors
in sentence structure.
Students will spell
all words correctly, including accents.
There are 10 or more
errors in spelling. (Not-including- reflexive verbs)
There are 6-9 errors
in spelling. (Not including- reflexive verbs)
There are errors in
spelling. (Not including- reflexive verbs)
There are only 1-2
errors in the entire story.
There is a picture
for every two sentences. The picture is in color is
in good taste. (5-6 pictures)
There are pictures
but 3 or more are in poor taste or not in color. Or
there are 3 or pictures missing.
There are only 2 pictures
missing or 2 pictures are in poor taste or not in color.
There is only 1 picture
missing or only 1 picture is in poor taste or not in
All pictures are in
good taste and in color.