Teacher Tips > What To Do If Your Child is Getting Bullied at School

What To Do If Your Child is Getting Bullied at School

Teacher Tips

Through no fault of their own, not many parents know that their child is being bullied at school. Children may be reluctant to tell their parents because they feel ashamed or embarrassed or they may think that their parents will be disappointed. Their bully may have blackmailed them into not telling anyone with the promise of things getting worse. This article will highlight some of the signs to look for if you are concerned about your child, and will also give advice on what to do next.

Unless your child actually tells you about the bullying, or has physical marks such as cuts or bruises, it can be very difficult to tell. However, there are some warning signs to look out for. Is your child acting differently for example, are they still eating and sleeping normally? Do they avoid talking about school, or change the subject when you bring it up?

If you suspect bullying, but your child is reluctant to admit it, try and find opportunities to bring up the subject in a subtle way. Sometimes an older sibling can be helpful as the younger child may look up to them and be more willing to talk to them about sensitive subjects.

If your child does open up to you and tell you that they are being bullied, then the first thing you must do is praise them and reassure them that they have done the right thing. Remind them that they are not alone; possibly bring in your own experiences if you have any. When they tell you, listen actively to everything they say and do not interrupt them.

Try to take action as soon as you possibly can. Set up a meeting with the teacher and principle to find out what measures are being taken. Parents and the school should work together in order to separate the victim from the bully. Once a plan has been established and is in place, set up appointments maybe twice or three times a week to make sure they are being carried out correctly. In certain cases, if you are particularly concerned about your child's safety, you may have to contact legal authorities. Speak to the school about incorporating anti-bullying seminars and workshops into their lesson plans where the children use printables and word searches to learn about bullying and the horrible effects that it can have on children.

As well as taking appropriate action as soon as possible, there are also some things to avoid at all costs when dealing with bullies. Do not attempt to contact the bully's parents personally. Bullying is often a learned behavior from their parents, who may deny all accusations that their child is a bully. It is essential that you do not ignore the problem or tell your child that they must 'stick it out'. Bullying, no matter how great or small, needs immediate intervention to prevent any permanent psychological damage from being done to your child. And finally, don't accuse your child's teacher of not doing their job properly. Just like you, then may not have been aware at all that one of the class members was being bullied. The teacher is your ally, and should be treated as one.

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