Teacher Tips > How to Help Your Child When They Are Having Problems at School

How to Help Your Child When They Are Having Problems at School

Teacher Tips

If you feel that your child is doing as well as they should in school, or that they are having problems learning, then it is best to act sooner rather than later. The longer that these problems are left alone and not dealt with, then the more difficult they are likely to get.

But how can you tell if your child is not learning well? There are some warning signs to look for such as a reluctance to go to school or to talk about it, inability to tell you what he has learned that day or a reluctance to do their homework or read and write.

Sometimes there aren't any warning signs, and your child may come home with a bad report unexpectedly. But if you do notice any signs or get a report, here are some useful steps to follow.

Firstly, talk to your child privately but it is best to leave this until you are feeling calm because if you sit your child down to talk when you are feeling angry or upset then your won't make much progress. Give yourself a day or two to calm down as your cool composure will help him build his confidence in telling you the truth. High quality communication between everyone involved will produce high quality results. Give your child the chance to tell their part of the story, and listen well to what they say.

Your child will more than likely not want you to tell their teacher because their 'low performance' is something that they would have liked to keep hidden. His self esteem will already be particularly low, and he will surely not want any more knocks. However, when you have spoken to your child, the most helpful thing you can do next is to speak to his teacher.

The best approach for you to take is to hand a note to the teacher explaining that you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss your child. State the nature of your concerns and your proposal that you would like to help as much as you can. This approach has its advantages because it tells the teacher the nature of your concerns so that they can come prepared, it lets the teacher know that you would like to deal with this situation calmly and it tells them that you are willing to help. You should expect to hear back from the quickly, with an arranged time for the meeting.

During your meeting, the teacher will probably agree with you that your child may be having difficulties. They do not mean to be disrespectful; it just means that they are just as concerned for your child's well-being as you are. He may also show you where you child's weaknesses are, but he may also highlight where they are strongest. Ask them what steps will be taken to help them progress. If you are happy with what you are, then ask them how you can follow this up at home.

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