Teacher Tips > How To Make Your Classroom A Place Kids Want To Come To

How To Make Your Classroom A Place Kids Want To Come To

Teacher Tips

Learning is essential and can be hard work, but there is no reason why it cannot be fun or enjoyable. A stimulating classroom environment can help children to get more involved in their education and can make difficult teaching tasks and assignments easier and more agreeable.

Firstly, make some changes to your classroom environment by separating the desks for working from some comfy chairs or beanbags where the children can read books together. If it is at all possible then create a quiet peaceful area where they can complete activities on their own without feeling over-stimulated.

Decorate your classroom with bright colorful pictures or warm embellishments. Make sure that a lot of the pictures and projects up on the wall are by the children themselves. This will create a feeling of pride amongst the children and make them feel more confident. Consider framing their art work and displaying it both inside and outside the classroom so that as many people as possible see them.

Add more activities that are age appropriate and suitable for the subjects you are teaching. Incorporate word searches into science lessons where they have to match the word to the definition or hand out printables to the children to help them become more creative and independent about their projects. Make sure that you have learning games ready for any free time that may arise. If you find it difficult to think of any more ideas then look online for one of the many websites that are dedicated to providing unique activity ideas.

Games can be an excellent way to increase participation and encourage children to experiment in the classroom. It can also be a great way for them to get out of their seats and move around. Young children get distracted or lose interest very easily when they have to sit still and listening to an adult for a long period of time, so it may be a wise idea to incorporate some physical activity into your lessons.

A frequent change of scenery is also another way to keep children interested in their learning. Taking regular field trips each semester or even just holding a few lessons outdoors in the sunshine and fresh air which provides them with a new environment and will help to keep them focused. A field trip dedicated specifically to a science lesson for example can really enhance the messages you are trying to convey and will help make learning more fun.

Keep the children on their toes by introducing new activities to replace old materials as these can become boring after too long. In order to retain your children's attention, keep the environment ever changing but don't do it too much as they may lose their sense of stability.

Talk to the children like they are intelligent human beings and find out what they want to get from your classroom. As they are young children, not all of their suggestions will be plausible but you will be able to better understand what they are interested in and what they enjoy.

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