Teacher Tips > The Back to School Survival Guide for Parents

The Back to School Survival Guide for Parents

Teacher Tips

The prospect of going back to school after several weeks holiday can bring on excitement, dread or anxiety for both the students and the parents. But it doesn't have to be a stressful time. With a few of these simple tips, you can make the dreaded back to school shopping more hassle-free and easier on your bank balance and you can feel more prepared when the big day arrives.

The first and easiest ways to make the back to school transition run more smoothly is to make a list of every supply that your child will need. This should be done as early as possible, preferably at the start of the summer vacation then you can slowly build up your stock over the weeks and cross off items as you get them. Look online for lists that can help you think of everything such as pencils and pens, plastic wallets and folders for all the printables they may collect.

Establish some shopping ground rules before you go to the mall with your children so that you only by what you essentially need. If you are buying them new clothes, then makes sure they have a budget long before you get to the mall.

Take advantage of a new school term to re-think family routines. Re-negotiate chores and allowances with your older children, encouraging them to take on more responsibilities. Talk to them about extra-curricular activities and how these will fit into their everyday lives. If it is possible, ask their next teacher for a lesson plan template to see if this helps your children to plan their days better.

As the first school day approaches, try and get your child into a routine similar to their school one, as they may not be used to getting up early after weeks of relaxing. Establish a leisurely bedtime routine to get their sleeping pattern back to normal.

Separation can be a worrying thing for parents, but there are many ways to make the transition easier. If they have a new teacher, arrange to meet them before the new semester begins so that you can discuss your child with them, any worries or anxieties that they may have. For some children, saying goodbye can be very difficult, but starting a specific goodbye ritual can help make this easier. Try not to prolong your goodbyes, a simple kiss or hug and a 'goodbye I'll see you later' is enough to instill confidence in your child. Remember to stay calm and positive.

Plan some after-school activities with your child when you are driving them to school. This will give them something to look forward to after a hard day's work.

Keep your evenings as free as possible during that busy first week back. This leaves plenty of time free for you to tick off those unpredictable errands that will undoubtedly crop up such as running out to the store to pick up a supply the teacher forgot to tell you about or waiting in line for an hour to sign your children up for swim practice.

This may be difficult but try to have all or the majority of your evening meals together sat down at the dining table. Although it is unavoidable that you will have to order takeout every now and then, sitting down together during the first week or so allows the kids to update you with all their exciting first week developments.

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